November 17, 2021
The Quarter 1 report cards have been published to the student and parent eschool portals. Any parents needing help with the parent portal may contact the counseling office at 518 ...

November 15, 2021
The time is here for the Middle School Student Council’s Annual “Feed Eight Families” Food Drive. Again this year, the Student Council will be doing a silent auction of unique ...

November 15, 2021
The Middle School Scholastic Book Fair is being held next week - Monday, November 30th thru Friday, December 3rd in the MS library. Students can shop during the school day. Th...

November 15, 2021
Parents: Please consider purchasing insurance for your child's iPad . The form is linked here for easy access. The $42 can be paid online or by check and mailed to School Device...

November 12, 2021
Although the growing season in upstate NY is slowing down our Middle School Garden Club members are not. They have kept busy preparing and planting cold weather vegetables and ga...

November 5, 2021
Mrs. Sunkes’ & Ms. Civill’s 5th graders collaborated to create this kindness quilt seen above. Each student made a poster that they thought gave a message about how important ...

November 2, 2021
Evelyn Parde - Grade 6 Evelyn is a lovely human being and a hard working student. She is consistently respectful to both her fellow students as well as all staff members. Evely...

October 21, 2021
Adirondack School Portraits
Middle School Picture Dates - 2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR
Initial Photo Date: NEW DATE--- Monday, Nov 1st, 2021

October 20, 2021
There is a 7th and 8th grade dance this Friday from 7 until 9 pm. Admission is $5.00 and includes drinks and snacks. Cash prizes will be given for funniest, scariest, and most o...

October 19, 2021
THIS F RIDAY O CT OBER 22 nd - 4 : 4 5 UNTIL 6 : 00 PM

October 18, 2021
Great Work, Nick! And a big thank you to the Middle School's staff and students for donating $75.00 total.

October 14, 2021
These grades reflect the halfway point of Quarter 1. Quarter 1 ends on Friday, November 12th. Any parent needing assistance with the Parent Portal can contact the MS Counseling Of...
October 13, 2021
Remote Learning Day Schedule for Friday, 10/15/21

October 6, 2021
The CA National Junior Honor Society is so proud of its newly elected officers. President Claire Hubert, Secretary Avery Conrad, Vice-President Danielle Deering, and Treasurer Nat...

October 4, 2021
The 6th Grade traveled to the Siuslaw Model Forest for an Environmental Awareness Day. We learned about Hudson River Fish, Pond Macroorganisms, Bees & Other Insects, and Various U...

October 4, 2021
The CAMS Central News Team is vibrant, excited and talented. The team loves to hear your ideas and feedback. Their goal is to make the news and announcements the best that ...

October 4, 2021
The fifth grade team has chosen Olivia Krstovich as the rotary student of the month. Olivia is a conscientious student who seems to really enjoy learning. She is a role mode...

October 1, 2021
Homecoming Week is October 4th-8th
- Spirit Days are:
Monday - 'Merica Monday - Dress in Red, White + Blue
Tuesday - Twin Day - You and a friend should dress al...