As you may know, school districts across our region and state have been anxiously awaiting updated state guidance for the start of school in September with the goal of returning all students to in-person learning five days/week.
Late last evening, we learned – after being previously advised by the State Education Department and others that guidance from the State Health Department (DOH) was in development and forthcoming – that neither the Governor nor DOH will be issuing guidance given that the COVID-19 state of emergency was rescinded (on June 24).
As a result, all decisions regarding masks, physical distancing, COVID-19 testing, vaccination requirements, and other COVID-19 protocols will be left to the local discretion of school districts and county health officials – a departure from previous guidance and practice during the pandemic.
In response, superintendents in Rensselaer, Columbia, and Greene counties met virtually with leaders from Questar III BOCES this morning to discuss how to best proceed with this unexpected development (in addition to seeking feedback from our county health departments). Since this now means much of what we do next in schools will be based on regional circumstances, we will continue meeting so we can come to a consensus ASAP regarding our 2021-2022 COVID-19 plans, protocols, and practices.
Please know that I share your frustrations. We have been planning for different reopening scenarios and considerations over the summer which we could have finalized and communicated to you sooner had we known state guidance was not forthcoming. I continue to appreciate your patience as we work toward a common understanding of the protocols to be implemented this coming school year. I will be in touch more regularly over the month of August to ensure you are all informed and prepared to start the new school year.
Thank you again for your patience.
Randy Squier
Superintendent of Schools